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[VUE] vue-sfc-rollup로 npm 패키지 만들기 본문
먼저 버전에 문제가 있을수 있으니 nvm을 통해 최신버전으로 변경해 주세요.
nvm install v14.17.1
vue-sfc-rollup 설치
npm install -g vue-sfc-rollup
sfc-init 실행
$ sfc-init
✔ Which version of Vue are you writing for? › Vue 2
✔ Is this a single component or a library? › Library
✔ What is the npm name of your library? … ts-class-enum
✔ Will this library be written in JavaScript or TypeScript? › TypeScript
✔ Enter a location to save the library files: … ./ts-class-enum
Init is complete, your files have been generated and saved into the directory you specified above.
Within that directory, you will find a sample SFC at src/lib-components/ts-class-enum-sample.vue.
**NOTE** Any components you wish to expose as part of your library should be saved in that directory, and
an entry must be added to src/lib-components/index.ts and ts-class-enum.d.ts so rollup is aware of it
and typescript users can receive proper support.
When you're ready, run npm run build to generate the redistributable versions.
폴더 이동 후 npm install실행
npm i
콤포넌트 또는 라이브러리 구현
npm run build 실행
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